Hello, my name is
Gofirov Aziz
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Gofirov Aziz and I'm a

Hello my name is Aziz. I am 22 years old. Right now I am a student (Junior) of INHA university in Tashkent. I am learning web development and I want to be a full stack developer. I know basic knowladges of c++ and java. I know HTML SCC bootstrap and JavaScrtipt(still I am learning JavaScript) and English language.

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My services

Web Design

I provide to create different web design (general web pages, office sites) with my team.


I know photoshop not professional just learned for hobby and I have more practise.

Front-End Developer

I provide to monitor web pages and edit, change informations of web sites and create http sites.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

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HTML 80%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 20%
Bootstrap 80%
MySQL 30%

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Omnis soluta placeat expedita quae. Magnam reiciendis necessitatibus velit ea hic ad!

Aziz Gofirov
Tashkent, Zangiota